Taunton, Ma
Award Date:
May 2012
May 2012
Commonwealth of Massachusetts Division of Capita Taunton, Ma
Kevin McWeeney - Kevin.Mcweeney@state.ma.us (pls inquire for contact info)
Through a competitive public bid, Costello Dismantling Company, Inc. was awarded the Demolition of the Taunton State Hospital project. As the general contractor, in addition to the building demolition, Costello was responsible for site security and access, implementing storm water control measures, utility terminations, asbestos abatement, hazardous material removal, and final site restoration.
Over 360,000 square feet of buildings and associated pedestrian tunnels were removed during the project. Built in the mid-1800’s, the former mental health facility had numerous architectural features that were salvaged and sold to individuals and companies throughout the United States. Items that were sold for reuse included architectural granite, bricks, timbers, iron gates, vintage plumbing and lighting fixtures, furniture, and slate roofing tiles.
The anticipated revenues generated from the salvage operation were factored into our proposal and greatly offset the costs of the project. This was a critical factor in the competitive bidding process.
As part of the site restoration, over 50,000 tons of concrete and brick was processed into a 3”- gravel for use a backfill in the former tunnels and basement areas. We worked with ARCADIS, Pare Corporation, and MassDEP to secure the necessary Beneficial Use Determination permits to reuse this material on site.